Friday, April 16, 2010

this whole week.....

dis week, hve to go to sunway...way audit kt sne...tmpt PnC la..hehheheh...ok la company ni juz everyday there be changes in the mmg pening la da xtau mne yg bru la ape la kn....skit pening la...(well, sdap kan hati)..jheeheheh.... n this morning, my supervisor datang..... lmbt plak tu..huhuh....senior da bising da coz all of us kne kuar...ain - cheras,, me - xder la org kt ofis.... call pnyer call, 10.30 bru smpi.... thn borak2....around 11.15 abs.... so smpi tmpt client around 11.40 mcm tu... i nk sgt tau ape yg my senior told my supervisor bout us...mne la tau if ade yg x btol..bole la btol kan xbole..dilarang...hahhaha...

gosh...sgt bosan kt umah..xder sape nk dkacau...hehhehe.....lmbt la plak cuti nie.....nk buli pn dunno kt sape nk buli...hehheheh.... this wee pn ader jgak stori yg sdh..but i da ok so mcm x yah je cter...nnt jdi bad mood plak.... hehehhe...well...people ni ade mcm2.....color rmbut pn x sme kn plk ade hti bersih n hitam...hahaha..lg la x nmpk...

hurm k la....2mrrow stori bru plak k....

see ya~

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