Thursday, February 10, 2011

::: kajang, selangor.. :::

hallooo........  currently ni im at lab 5 fep... for sure u all pelik knape i ade kt lab ni.... im alone k now... lonely ranger..... (like my fren said.....) hhehe.... then, i remembered my fren asked me for  my address...mayb she want to send her wedding card.... fren who are 23yrs n has same name with me "aida" wanna get married.... n how bout aida maliza??? hahaha.... i know...many people asked the same question ... but seriously i have no answer so-called specific answer for that.... only god knows when... heheh.... 

after replying my address to her... then came another fren a.k.a ana farhana asked me... to double check whether im staying in kajang..... she kind of suprised when i said i live in kajang.... but y???? n the funny + interesting part is she said that she thought i live in damansara..... huh???? wut damansara???? couldnt be ok, farhana..... totally mmg xkan berlaku.... hahaha....  ok...aidamaliza is a girl yg born kat hospital la kan..hehe... n currently live in kajang with her beloved family.... if u wanna double ke, triple ke, brape ple ke... mmg jwpn die kajang jgak.... 

kajang yang bez....peaceful... ade shopping mall...hahaha..... ade cool room....hahaha.... n ade rumah aidamaliza...... ;)

.....dunno whether u all nmpk ke x... couldnt find mcmne nk crop bnde alah nie...heheh

for those who know damansara.... well...u know rite..damansara..... people with high standards...., only buy branded items, eat at exclusive place and etc.... n do aidamaliza like dat??? i dont think so... u must be mistaken farhana..... but for me...its sound funny..... from no where...she said dat i live there..... hahaahha..... 

aida maliza is a simple person i can tell.... slalu jer mkan tepi big deal for her... shopping in exclusive place...???? totally NOT her..... beli barang pun jimat2 tau...hahaha..... berhemah lagi...oppsss....heheh.... so... jgn la high standard kn people like me.... nothing special bout me yg u would say sumthing like dat.... it make me wonder y u said so.... huhu

aidamaliza bukan la bangsawa, hartawan, jutawan or billionwan....hahah....ade ke billionwan... heheh.... but mayb dermawan...heheh.... (prasan jap ok....)... im a normal person who live in a small but not too small....(so, medium la kan...ehhe) family.... eldest ( kak long tau...heheh)... and live in a normal ouse like u.... (x dpt nk hidup dlam istana...hehehe).... pengakutan pn seadanye je.... u tau la kan sape aidamaliza...... kwan la ngan die...die ni lonely skrg nie..(currently 1.36pm).... jap lg masuk klas bru jmpe kwn...hehehe.....




Nadha said...

Miss Lone Ranger kaler pink! Sini ada Rangers kaler biru, kuning, merah and so on yang bukan duduk kat Damansara.. Hahaha. Kelakar la Farhana!

eyeda mas said...

hahaha.... ngah tnggu ranger2 kaler laen la tyme tu... lmbt na...haaha....

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